Itea virginica
We sniffed dozens of different sweetspires in pursuit of the most fragrant variety, and we can say with confidence that we've found it in Scentlandia® itea. Though this native plant is much beloved for its sweetly scented summer blooms, not all plants exhibit equally strong fragrance, so it was our primary goal in introducing our next variety. We also wanted a smaller variety that works with any size landscape, and outstanding fall color so that the plant stays interesting beyond its bloom time. Scentlandia® sweetspire delivers on all three! The flowers aren't just longer, larger, and more fragrant than other varieties - they're also more cold tolerant, assuring a good display even in USDA zone 5 where flower buds are frequently damaged. Itea is one of the most shade tolerant flowering shrubs and thrives even in wet soils, making it an excellent problem solver.
Dimensions: 24-36” tall; 24-36” wide
Exposure: Sun or shade
Bloom/Feature: Fragrant flower, deer resistant
Pot Size: 3g